- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Unternehmen des kombinierten Verkehrs
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Fahrzeuge
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
- Nordamerika
- Asien
- Australien + Ozeanien
CO2OPT helps carriers to increase their profit margins and reducing their CO2 emissions. We offer an AI tool that optimizes the tire management of transport companies and save fuel costs and CO2 emissions by up to 10%. CO2OPT delivers a neutral match-making tool that determines the best tire - vehicle match, operational suggestions to increase the tire life cycle, CO2 emission reduction certificates that prove the achieved savings, working capital friendly tire management contracts and efficient digital workflows to reduce fleet administration and keeping operational costs low.