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Sendify ist eine digitale Versandplattform für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, die Zeit und Geld sparen wollen, und die es allen ermöglicht, Lieferketten zu optimieren und intelligenter zu versenden. Ob Paket oder Palette, rund um den Globus oder um die Ecke, mit Sendify ist der Versand einfacher.
Seit dem Start von Sendify im Jahr 2016 hat das Team mehr als 15.000 kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt dabei geholfen, weniger Zeit und Geld für den Versand aufzuwenden und mehr Zeit für das Wachstum ihres Unternehmens zu haben.
Seit dem Start von Sendify im Jahr 2016 hat das Team mehr als 15.000 kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt dabei geholfen, weniger Zeit und Geld für den Versand aufzuwenden und mehr Zeit für das Wachstum ihres Unternehmens zu haben.
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
Eichinger Industrie GmbH
Attachment for the Forklift, Tipping Skips, Chute and Stacking Skips, Shovels and Transfer Silo, Drum Lifting Equipment, Platforms and Stacking Stillage for Industry and Trade
- Ausrüstung für das Lagern, Fördern und Verteilen
- Maschinen
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
- Nordamerika
GreenForest IT GmbH
GreenForest-IT GmbH offers innovative and sustainable IT solutions in the field of label printing and Auto-ID. Our label printing solution "PrintTag" enables easy and intuitive printing of individual product labels, optimizes the labeling process, and increases process reliability. Built-in control mechanisms ensure consistent and continuous label quality without any loss of time.
Combining PrintTag with reliable and powerful label printers results in optimal outcomes. Our company is committed to offering complete solutions to optimize work processes while considering sustainability aspects.
Combining PrintTag with reliable and powerful label printers results in optimal outcomes. Our company is committed to offering complete solutions to optimize work processes while considering sustainability aspects.
- IT-Systeme
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
Cargo Crew Germany GmbH
CargoCrew specializes in airfreight solutions and freight forwarding, delivering a comprehensive array of services tailored to address the distinctive shipping demands of our customers. Whether handling time-sensitive cargo, specialized shipments, or complex logistics projects, we are dedicated to providing effective, dependable, and inventive solutions.
Our team is committed to providing dependable logistics solutions of the highest caliber at your disposal, available at all times.
Our team is committed to providing dependable logistics solutions of the highest caliber at your disposal, available at all times.
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Luftfracht-Carrier
- Dienstleistungen für die Luftfrachtindustrie
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
KONVOI offers the first preventive, technologically updateable security solution for parked trucks to protect against vehicle damages, cargo theft, diesel theft and driver assaults. Our sensors continuously monitor the close environment of the trucks and initiates individual set preventive measures before first damages happen. The collected data is transmitted to our IoT cloud and enables multiple data services like the planning of more secured routes, support in insurance claims settlemenst and a real-time security promise for the supply chain.
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- Kommunikationssysteme
- Ausrüstung für den Güterverkehr
- Straßenfahrzeuge
- Sicherheitssysteme, Diebstahlschutz
- Fahrzeuge
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
MFI’s automated all-embracing warehouse solutions easily integrate into the customers’ own systems, offering great benefits. MFI’s automated warehouse integration services can meet every demand, with the greatest flexibility. From turnkey solutions to retrofitting existing plants, MFI can integrate a complete automated warehouse to smarten up the internal supply chain and connect it to the entire plant. MFI supplies solutions for the Food and Non Food industry and is member of the SCIO-Group (
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Palettenlogistik, Lademittelvermittlung
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- IT-Systeme
- Ausrüstung für das Lagern, Fördern und Verteilen
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Lebensmittel
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
The PORT OF KIEL is one of the most versatile ports in the Baltic region. Its geographic location, permanent depth for seagoing vessels and the direct link to the national rail and road network make the port very attractive for cargo and passenger traffic alike. State-of-the-art terminal facilities and a high service quality enable an individual approach. Furthermore, Kiel profits from its location at the entrance to the world's most frequented artificial waterway, the Kiel Canal.
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Unternehmen des kombinierten Verkehrs
- Seehäfen
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Güterverkehrszentren/Terminalunternehmen
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Logistikdienstleister
- Infrastrukturbetreiber
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
DB Cargo Eurasia GmbH
DB Cargo Eurasia has been active as a DB operator and provider on the Eurasian corridor since 2008. It organises the transport of entire trains or individual containers between China, Central Asia and Europe. The transcontinental connections offer various customers a competitive and, above all, environmentally friendly alternative to time-consuming sea freight and cost-intensive air freight.
- Eisenbahnen
- Unternehmen des kombinierten Verkehrs
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
- Asien
H. J. Schryver & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG)
H.J. Schryver is a German headquartered international freight forwarder. We are proud to claim ourselves a personal service provider whose strength it is to connect goods and people. Thus we are also a networking partner who helps the customers with our wide rage of contacts and knowhow. We are the global connector. Special knowledge and dedication have been developed in the Americas where we operate with own offices – in some countries for over 60 years! Our focus is the personal approach and dedication to each transport – no project is too big or too small.
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Containervermietungs- und -leasinggesellschaften
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
Flughafen Leipzig/Halle GmbH
Leipzig/Halle Airport registered about 1.4 million tonnes of air freight in 2023. It is Germany’s second-largest cargo airport and among the top 5 in Europe. DHL has been operating the largest global hub in its network at LEJ since 2008. LEJ has two runways, each 3,600 metres long, which are not subject to any restrictions. LEJ has a 24/7 operating permit for cargo flights and direct connections with the trans-European motorway and railway networks. LEJ can handle all kinds of cargo, including e-commerce shipments, pharmaceuticals and temperature-sensitive products – and outsize cargo.
- Flughäfen
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
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