- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Verpackungsunternehmen
- Palettenlogistik, Lademittelvermittlung
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Transportverpackung, Ladungssicherung
- Medizin
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
Founded in 1873, Mader is a family owned Logistics Service Provider with 400+ employees. We are supporting large corporations in the automotive inustry with comprehensive logistics concepts since decades. This includes the in-/outbound areas; JIT/JIS production supply, reusable packaging management including container and parts cleaning, value added services and forwarding services, partly with our own fleet. We operate several Multi User Sites in Southern Germany acting also as a fulfillment service provider for e-commerce companies.