- Speditionen
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- E-Commerce- und E-Business-Systeme
- Medizin
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
As a 4-PL service provider, Logiline organises companies' logistics processes without having to use its own assets. We handle the integration function within the supply chain with the following points: 1.Checking the requirements 2.Alternative offers 3.Shipment consolidation 4.New transport modalities 5.Cost savings thanks to favourable purchasing 6.No system defaults 7.ONE contact person for questions and solutions