- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- IT-Systeme
- Transportsteuerung und IT-Einrichtungen
- Integrierte Verkehrsmanagement-Systeme IVMS
- Sonstige
- Sonstige
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
We provide software&consulting to empower transport for a smarter future. Our best-in-class software for intelligent transport optimization enables industry and trade save time and money, make roads safer and protect the environment. We demonstrate today how tomorrow’s logistics, with all its ecosystems, can be realized. From strategic transport planning to freight transport scheduling and micromobility for the last mile. From e-truck routing to demand-driven planning of the charging infrastructure for emobility. From simulation of autonomously driving trucks to intermodal delivery concepts.