- Speditionen
- Seeschiffsreedereien (Containerverkehr - Roll-on-/Roll-off-Verkehr - Massengutverkehr - Kühlverkehr - Short Sea Shipping), Seefracht-Services
- Seehäfen
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Logistikdienstleister
- IT-Systeme
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
- Europa
- Nordamerika
- Süd-und Mittelamerika
- Mittlerer Osten und Indien
- Asien
- Afrika
- Australien + Ozeanien
As a member of the Bremen Freight Forwarders Association and several worldwide networks, we have a large national and international network of partners and shipping companies at our disposal. Customers benefit from our expertise in global route planning.
We are where we are needed: at the interface between ship, port management and domestic transport. We go the extra mile for our customers. In this way, we create individually tailored transport solutions for all types of cargo.
We are where we are needed: at the interface between ship, port management and domestic transport. We go the extra mile for our customers. In this way, we create individually tailored transport solutions for all types of cargo.