Rüdiger Wöhrl GmbH

Goldbergstraße 1
Pfedelbach / Windischenbach


  • Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
  • Logistikdienstleister
  • IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
  • IT-Systeme
  • Transportsteuerung und IT-Einrichtungen
  • Intralogistik, Warehouse Management Systems, Auto-ID, Verpackungen
  • Ausrüstung für Ladezonen und Terminals (Schnittstellen zwischen inner- und außerbetrieblichem Materialfluss)


  • Maschinen

Logistische Wirtschaftsräume

  • Europa
Rüdiger Wöhrl GmbH supplies complete intra-logistics systems for industry, construction sites and landfills. This includes the development of hardware and software for your yard management system, including time slot management and gate control as well as connection to your ERP system. We have established ourselves in plant engineering with our vehicle scales, which are manufactured using innovative prestressed concrete technology. Just like our tyre washing systems, they can be adapted to a wide range of conditions: whether in industry, on farms, on construction sites or in landfills.