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HiveBOX c/o Bächer Bergmann GmbH
Founded in 2018, HiveBOX specializes in modern assembly systems. Our latest, GAIA, is transforming cargo bike assemblies with up to 2.5m³ volume and diverse features like side doors and sliding walls. We also tailor solutions for specific industries. Choose HiveBOX for your transport future.
- Intralogistik, Warehouse Management Systems, Auto-ID, Verpackungen
- Transportverpackung, Ladungssicherung
- Fahrzeuge
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
wemoveBW GmbH Logistics & Transport Solutions in Germany
Handwerkstraße 31
wemoveBW GmbH Logistics & Transport Solutions in Germany
We provide warehousing and logistics solutions in Germany. wemoveBW GmbH is your tailored logistics partner for your logistical needs in Germany & Europe.
Personal service
Efficent and clear cut communication on all matters
Solution oriented approach
We provide 24/7 services. Our clients include governments and private organizations.
Our main service is Tailored Logistics Support, we provide solutions according to your needs.
Personal service
Efficent and clear cut communication on all matters
Solution oriented approach
We provide 24/7 services. Our clients include governments and private organizations.
Our main service is Tailored Logistics Support, we provide solutions according to your needs.
- Speditionen
- Seeschiffsreedereien (Containerverkehr - Roll-on-/Roll-off-Verkehr - Massengutverkehr - Kühlverkehr - Short Sea Shipping), Seefracht-Services
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Medizin
- Maschinen
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
- Europa
- Mittlerer Osten und Indien
LDK Emergency Logistics Gmbh
We are an international forwarding company specialising in express transport services throughout Europe. Our team consists of a group of specialists with more than 10 years of experience in the forwarding industry. Our competitive advantage is not only experience in client service but also knowledge and consultancy in the scope of a transport organisation. We understand the needs of our clients, which is why our availability is 24/7 - so that we are able to address any critical situation our clients face on a round the clock basis. Express Shipments is not only our work but also our passion.
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Speditionen
- Eisenbahnen
- Unternehmen des kombinierten Verkehrs
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
Logiline GmbH
As a 4-PL service provider, Logiline organises companies' logistics processes without having to use its own assets. We handle the integration function within the supply chain with the following points: 1.Checking the requirements 2.Alternative offers 3.Shipment consolidation 4.New transport modalities 5.Cost savings thanks to favourable purchasing 6.No system defaults 7.ONE contact person for questions and solutions
- Speditionen
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- E-Commerce- und E-Business-Systeme
- Medizin
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
Schenk Spedition & Transporte GmbH
Our main task is the Europe-wide transportation of all kind of goods. We offer you a variety of possibilities for mobility. In order to offer our customers complete logistical solutions, we have complemented each other with qualified partners.
We take over full loads (FTL), dangerous goods, as well as special transports and we offer all required vehicle specifications. Safety for our customers is our number one priority. We deliver your goods with Tautliner, Box trailer, Megaliner and GDP certified Refrigerator trailers – and under customs seal.
We take over full loads (FTL), dangerous goods, as well as special transports and we offer all required vehicle specifications. Safety for our customers is our number one priority. We deliver your goods with Tautliner, Box trailer, Megaliner and GDP certified Refrigerator trailers – and under customs seal.
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Ausrüstung für den Güterverkehr
- Wartung und Reparatur
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
zedas®asset & zedas®cargo are software solutions for railroad asset and vehicle fleet management as well as rail freight transport. With the digitalization of maintenance and logistics processes you save time and costs, minimize errors and increase efficiency. Our solutions offer flexibility and mobility gains through mobile devices. Improved transparency and documentation facilitation ensure efficient and smooth processing.
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- Ausrüstung für den Güterverkehr
- Wartung und Reparatur
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
Soloplan GmbH Software für Logistik und Planung
Illerhöhe 1
Soloplan GmbH Software für Logistik und Planung
We develop software solutions for the entire world of logistics. Our innovative TMS CarLo is the all-in-one solution for freight forwarding, transport & logistics. With CarLo, we facilitate your entire process: from quote calculation & transport planning to freight invoicing. Supplement the software with add-ons that suit your needs, such as air & sea freight or telematics systems.
You need an individual solution? No problem! Our developers will develop a software that is tailored to your needs!
Arrange a presentation meeting today & we will tell you how Soloplan can enhance your processes!
You need an individual solution? No problem! Our developers will develop a software that is tailored to your needs!
Arrange a presentation meeting today & we will tell you how Soloplan can enhance your processes!
- Dienstleistungen, Güterverkehr, Logistik
- Dienstleistungen für die Luftfrachtindustrie
- Logistikdienstleister
- IT/Telematik, E-Business, Telekommunikation
- Kommunikationssysteme
- IT-Systeme
- Transportsteuerung und IT-Einrichtungen
- Integrierte Verkehrsmanagement-Systeme IVMS
- Fahrzeuge
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
MANSIO's IT solution enables cross-company relay transportation. Thereby, the trailer is handed over from one truck to another along the route. After this “trailer swap”, the truckers drive back to their particular home regions. In the MANSIO system, empty runs and park-search-traffic are eliminated. Semi-trucks can be used very cost-efficiently in a second shift and generate additional revenue. In the future, the MANSIO trailer handover system will also allow battery-electric trucks with short ranges to be used on certain sections of long distance transport routes.
- Speditionen
- Kurier-, Express-, Brief- und Paketdienste (KEP)
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Logistikdienstleister
- Kommunikationssysteme
- IT-Systeme
- Transportsteuerung und IT-Einrichtungen
- Integrierte Verkehrsmanagement-Systeme IVMS
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Europa
SCHMALZ+SCHÖN Logistics GmbH Region Stuttgart
Bereits seit 1959 begegnet die Unternehmensgruppe SCHMALZ+SCHÖN gemeinsam erfolgreich den zunehmend komplexeren Aufgabenstellungen der Logistik. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen Konzernspediteuren versuchen wir dabei nicht, unsere Kunden an feste Vorgaben anzupassen, sondern setzen stattdessen auf individuelle, maßgeschneiderte Servicelösungen. Gegenseitige Wertschätzung und uneingeschränktes Vertrauen bilden das solide Fundament unserer Zusammenarbeit mit dem jeweiligen Auftraggeber.
Bereits seit 1959 begegnet die Unternehmensgruppe SCHMALZ+SCHÖN gemeinsam erfolgreich den zunehmend komplexeren Aufgabenstellungen der Logistik. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen Konzernspediteuren versuchen wir dabei nicht, unsere Kunden an feste Vorgaben anzupassen, sondern setzen stattdessen auf individuelle, maßgeschneiderte Servicelösungen. Gegenseitige Wertschätzung und uneingeschränktes Vertrauen bilden das solide Fundament unserer Zusammenarbeit mit dem jeweiligen Auftraggeber.
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Speditionen
- Unternehmen des kombinierten Verkehrs
- Sonderfahrten, Same Day Services
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Verpackungsunternehmen
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- Logistik-Consulting/Logistik-Planung/Logistikberatung
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
- Europa
- Nordamerika
- Süd-und Mittelamerika
- Mittlerer Osten und Indien
- Asien
- Afrika
- Australien + Ozeanien
Shift Technologies GmbH
Shift builds warehousing & freight solutions and technology tools to help businesses of all sizes manage their logistics stress-free and seamless across industries and borders.
- Germany's best value-for-money logistics solution
- Most competitively priced storage space - up to 20k square meter available
- Full service in Warehousing & Freight
- Proximity to Berlin & Hamburg
- Value Added Services, Insurance, Fulfillment
- Germany's best value-for-money logistics solution
- Most competitively priced storage space - up to 20k square meter available
- Full service in Warehousing & Freight
- Proximity to Berlin & Hamburg
- Value Added Services, Insurance, Fulfillment
- Straßen-Transportunternehmen
- Schwertransporte, Projektverladungen
- Güterverkehrszentren/Terminalunternehmen
- Lager-, Umschlags- und Stauereibetriebe
- Palettenlogistik, Lademittelvermittlung
- Entsorgungslogistik, Recycling
- E-Commerce-Dienstleister, Fulfillment
- Logistikdienstleister
- IT-Systeme
- Medizin
- Chemie
- Maschinen
- Fahrzeuge
- Lebensmittel
- Textilien
- Sonstige
Logistische Wirtschaftsräume
- Global
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